Technology and Innovation
Mac Jee Group is part of the Brazilian Industrial Defense Base and consists of Mac Jee Defesa, Mac Jee Tecnologia and Equipaer, innovative, technological and 100% Brazilian companies. With global operations, the company has its headquarters in São José dos Campos and commercial offices in São Paulo and France.

2 Factories

Global presence

13 years of experience

Mac Jee Tecnologia develops plants for the production of high performance energetic materials with modern and sustainable systems.
Equipaer is a company with expertise in the production of air targets, rocket launchers, in addition to developing special projects such as DIANA, an intelligent air target.
ABOUT EQUIPAERThe Mac Jee Group welcomed, on Thursday (October, 7), a delegation made up of authorities, including military attaches and members of the Ministry of Defense and Seprod (Department of Products of Defense).
Read MoreMac Jee receives Air Force Commander and MD authorities during FIDAE 2022: The authorities met with Mac Jee representatives and discussed the company's productive capabilities to meet national and international market demands.
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